Exploring Beta-Caryophyllene Terpene: Strains, Effects, and Benefits

Exploring Beta-Caryophyllene Terpene Strains, Effects, and Benefits
Introduction Beta-Caryophyllene, often referred to as BCP or simply caryophyllene, is a naturally occurring terpene found in various plants, including cannabis. Terpenes are aromatic compounds responsible for the distinct scents and flavors of different strains of cannabis. Caryophyllene is particularly... Read more

Comprehensive Guide to Beta-Caryophyllene: Strains, Effects, and Benefits

Comprehensive Guide to Beta-Caryophyllene Strains, Effects, and Benefits
Introduction The world of cannabis is a tapestry of compounds and components, each contributing to the plant’s unique characteristics and potential benefits. Among these, terpenes play a pivotal role in influencing not only the aroma and flavor of cannabis strains... Read more